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1. sorry. your clothes yet. a didn't been ironed b haven't done iron c haven't been ironed 2. film stars love a been photographing b being photographed being photograph 3. in the 60s? a did the house build b was the house built c was built the house 4. thanks for the medicine. 5. this heater before or after meals? a should it be taken b it should take c should be taken it in a bathroom. 6. mrs. osbourne a cant to use it b not can be used c cannot be used once a month. 7. i a her hair coloured b has coloured her hair c has her hair coloured serviced next week. a am being the car b am having the car c have done the car 8. the painting worth at least fifty million dollars: a is thought to be b it is thought to be c is thought being 9. the ancient romans central heating. a are believed to invent b are believed have invented c are believed to have invented 10. we were expected the match against the army team. a to lose b losing c to be lost

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