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Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. Use Present Continuous 1. Please, be quiet. I (work).
2. They (build) a new theatre in the city centre at the moment
3. She (leave) for Paris on Saturday
4. Oh, I've lost my keys again! - You (always/lose) your keys!
5. The weather is nice at the moment. It (not/rain)
6. You can turn off the television. I (not/watch) it.
7. What (you/do) tonight?
8. What (he/say). I can't hear anything

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1. он спросил (past simple) меня, был (past perfect) ли я в новом театре.

2. он сказал (past simple), что был (past simple) в театре в настоящее время.

3. она сказала (past simple) мне, что ей не нравились (past simple) платья.

4. она сказала (past simple) мне, что ее матери не понравились (past perfect) платья.

5. нам сказали (past simple), что она была (past simple) больна.

6. она сказала (past simple), что чистила (past continuous) свою комнату.

7. лена думала (past simple), что вернется (future in the past) рано.

8. они сказали (past simple) мне, что смотрели (past perfect continuous) фильм с четырех часов.

9. они сказали (past simple) мне, что смотрели (past continuous) фильм.

10. их спросили (past simple), где они жили (past simple).

11. она не знала (past simple), почему он уехал (past perfect).


1. he asked me if i had been to the new theater.

2. he said that he was in the theater then.

3. she told me that she did not like the dresses.

4. she told me that her mother hadn't liked the dresses.

5. we were told that she was ill.

6. she said that she was cleaning up her room.

7. lena thought that she would return soon.

8. they told me that they had been watching a movie since 4 o'clock.

9. they told me that they were watching a movie.

10. they were asked where they lived.

11. she did not know why he had left.

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