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Complete the sentences with the right demonstrative pronouns (that, those, this or these). Write down five words with a comma (,). Примечание: Запишите пять слов (без цифр) через запятую. Все слова должны начинаться с маленькой буквы. Точку в конце ставить не нужно. Обратите внимание на подчеркнутые слова и фразы. Они определиться с правильными указательными местоимениями. Также помните о числе существительных. Example answer: that, those, this, these, that 1) Look at kids playing in the garden over there; they're so cute. 2) Take one of files from that table.
3) You know the books I am carrying are just fantastic. I think books will keep me company during this summer holiday.
4) You should talk to interesting young man in those funny trousers.
5) A: What a beautiful dress you are wearing! B: Thank you! I bought dress two weeks ago.

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Ответы на вопрос:








1 I like surfing the internet. I go online every day.

2 I often download music from the internet and listen to it on my mp3 player.

3 Sally always carries her mobile phone so that she can send text messages to her friends. She's sending one now!

4 Tim doesn't get up late at the weekend. He plays  football on Saturday mornings.

5 Rob needs to  do some exercises. He isn't very fit!  

6 Do you watch TV when you're on your own? Or do  you have some interesting hobbies?

7 I'm doing my homework at the moment. I want to pass my exam.​

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