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Comment on the different types of sound transitions in English. CV: key, port, talk, time, calm, turn, cat, pen.
VC: button, letter, happy, worry, money, body, coming, syllable.
CC: act, checked, begged, kicked, liked, meet Tom.
VV: my apple, he is, there is, we always, the actress, she asks.

Think of your own examples and compare them with the corresponding types of transitions in your mother tongue.

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Ответы на вопрос:

My favourite toy is a bear. his name is misha. he's all brown.  he loves honey but hates bees. моя любимая игрушка медвежонок. его зовут миша. он весь коричневый. он обожает мёд, но не любит пчёл.

Популярно: Английский язык