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1. раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в настоящем времени simple или continuous 1. what (you / eat) - a cheese sandwich. 2. where lunch today? (you / have) - at home. my mum's making pasta. 3. what (he / do) - he's an accountant. 4. eat out tonight? (you / want) - yes, that would be nice. where shall we go? 5. what (she / cook) - i don't know, but it smells good. 6. she products very often. (not buy) 7. could you turn the music down, please? - i (watch tv) 8. usually late? (get up) 9. she to the gym three times a week. (go) 10. he a sience fiction now. (read)

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. what are you eating?   - a cheese sandwich.2. where are you having lunch today?   - at home. my mum's making pasta.3. what does he do? - he's an accountant.4. do you want to eat out tonight?   - yes, that would be nice. where shall we go? 5.what is she cooking?   - i don't know, but it smells good.6. she does not buy unhealthy products very often. 7. could you turn the music down, please? - i am watching tv.8. do you usually get up late? 9. she goes to the gym three times a week. (go)10. he is reading a sience fiction now.

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