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Поставте дієслова в дужках у теперішньому тривалому часі Present Continuous, запишіть та перекладіть речення. Поставте запитання до виокремлених членів речення. 1. The local police (= they) now (send) extra personnel to the town center. 2. More officers (patrol) the streets. 3. They (arrest) drunken offenders and (confiscate) the alcohol. 4. They also (stop) people who deal drugs and (remove) the beggars from the tourist areas. 5. My partner just (ask) all the residents. 6. Young people (skateboard) on the streets. 7. A tourist (call) from Café El Miro. 8. Two groups of rowdy young men (shout) and (make noise). 9. They (throw) chairs through the window. 10. The dispatcher (send) a police car right now.

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1do 2 do 3 do 4 make 5 make

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