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D. Complete the text with the full or bare infinitive of the verbs in brackets.
A few months ago, I was very tired. I was working long hours and I
just wanted (1).
(sleep) all the time. Some days all
wanted was to sleep. On other days I was very stressed.
Itried (2)
I read an article in a magazine about pets and stress. It was very
interesting and it made me
calm down) but it wasn't easy. Then,
a pet. So, I went to the pet shop
got a dog and I called her Molly.
(get) one.
Tve had her for a month noW and
feel great. She has helped me
my lifel I dont feel stressed or
down anymore. Actually, ld like
(take) her
out into the countryside every day.
but I haven't got much time. But we
go for long walks at the weekends

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Ответы на вопрос:

My town was a small settlement hundred years ago. there were few shops, streets, transports. the people moved in carriages. there was one hospital and post office. day after day the settlement became better. the railway was constructed and a communication with other towns appeared there. the settlement became a town. the people became more. the shops became more. the buses, the cars, a lot of shops appeared. the schools were built. new houses were built in the streets.

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