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Find English equivalents in the text and write them down. – Найдите английские эквиваленты в тексте и запишите их. 1. движущиеся электроны ______________________________________ 2. электронный (катодный) осциллограф ________________________ 3. например __________________________________________________ 4. уменьшать искажение ______________________________________ 5. цифровой __________________________________________________ 6. требуемые результаты ______________________________________ 7. двумя основными полупроводниковые приборы ________________________________ 9. промежуточное сопротивление _______________________________ 10. кристаллическая решетка ___________________________________ 11. внешний электрон __________________________________________ 12. избыток электронов _________________________________________ 13. недостаток свободных электронов _____________________________ 14. соединение __________________________________________________ 15. усилитель ___________________________________________________

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. движущиеся электроны moving electrons

2. электронный (катодный) осциллограф  

scope or o-scope, CRO (for cathode-ray oscilloscope), or DSO (for the more modern digital storage oscilloscope)

3. например for example

4. уменьшать искажение to reduce distortion

5. цифровой digital

6. требуемые результаты required results

7. двумя основными

8. полупроводниковые приборы semiconductor devices

9. промежуточное сопротивление intermediate resistance

10. кристаллическая решетка crystal lattice

11. внешний электрон outer electron

12. избыток электронов an excess of electrons

13. недостаток свободных электронов lack of free electrons

14. соединение connection

15. усилитель amplifier


текст не предоставлен - так что перевод на нем не основывается.

ну вот вроде бы так:

hello, dear visitors of a museum.you are in a museum devoted to seven miracles of the world.

at first show our colossus of influence of rhodes, a huge statue of the greek god of the sun of helios which stood in a seaport of rhodes.

at the left you find hanging gardens of babylonthey were in ancient babylon.

our third of esponat artemis's temple was the greek city the hilt on the coast of asia minor (now the city of selkuk in the south of area of izmir, turkey). the first largest temple was constructed in the middle of the vi centuries to n э by e.

ahead you see that mayakon alexandria was founded on the small island of the beacon in the mediterranean sea near the coast of alexandria. this noisy port founded by alexander the great during his visit of egypt.

if you look for, you see zeus statue.outstanding part of an ancient sculpture

then we show the mausoleum of a tombstone of halicarnassus the governor of carian mosolus constructed in the middle of the iv centuries to n э by e. on orders of his wife artemisia iii.

at last our last exhibition of pyramid of cheops.biggest of pyramids of egypt, the only thing of "seven miracles of the world" it was kept to this day. construction is expected which twenty years, finished in about 2540 to n э e lasted.

thanks for your attention.

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