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Ответы на вопрос:

hi 'm very paishoned about your story about school.and now let mу tell some words about mine.so,i have got beutifull classmates.they are somone who always can help you in difficult situations.also we have differtnt contenys like poetry contest,music contest.all pupils write articles,darw wall newspaper and compose poems.after classes we often talk out the problems.so tto cut the long short/i should say that my school   is the best place i've ever know.

прости,но могут быть ошибки в написании слов,так как писал сам без словаря)

A. are you free today? b. where are you studying? c. as mary is learning? d. how many of your lecture yesterday? e. where are the students?

Популярно: Английский язык