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решить тест по английскому 1. The_________ shoes were covered in mud, so I asked them to take them off before they got into ___________ car.
A. girl’s…….Tom’s B. girls’……..Toms’ C. girls’………Tom’s D. girl’s …….. Toms’

2. The government has introduced _________________________________ .
A. a children’s clothes tax B. a tax on children clothes C. a children clothes tax D. a tax on children’s clothes

3. The_________________faulty.
A. equipments are B. equipment was C. equipments were D. equipment were

4. A new ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬_____________is being built outside the town.
A. golf course B. golfcourse C. golf’s course D. golf-course

5. Last night police said that they ______________the missing girl.
A. had found B. have found C. find D. were finding

6. The council ______________postponed a decision on the new road, and many leading members of the opposition party __________ criticized the delay.
A. has ….. have B. has ….. has C. have ….. has D. have ….. have

7. Stevens _________ the wallet.
A. admitted to steal B. admitted steal
C. admitted stealing D. admitted him stealing

8. I’ll be with you in _____________________ .
A. one quarter of an hour B. a quarter of an hour
C. a quarter of one hour D. one quarter of hour

9. I’m really disappointed. I ____________ for the team again.
A. wasn’t picked B. didn’t pick C. didn’t get picked D. wasn’t got picked

10. Despite yesterday’s snowfalls, we _______________ home in less than an hour.
A. could drive B. can drive C. were able to drive D. are able to drive

11. They directed that the building __________________ .
A. be pulled down B. to be pulled down
C. should be pulled down D. should pull down

12. Walking under a ladder ___________ be unlucky.
A. is suppose to B. should C. ought to D. is supposed to

13. She asked my advice ___________________ subject she should study at university.
A. on to what B. as to what C. on what D. to what

14. The traffic lights __________ green and I pulled away.
A. got B. became C. turned D. went

15. You don’t object _________ late tonight, do you?
A. to working B. to work C. work D. working

16. She swam strongly and __________cross the river easily, even though it was swollen by the heavy rain.
A. can B. was able to C. could D. is able to

17. The new computer system ______________ next month.
A. is being installed by people B. is be installed
C. is being installed D. is been installed

18. When I went into the bathroom, I found that the bath ________________ .
A. overflows B. overflowed C. had overflowed D. is overflowing

19. I can’t start the computer. You _____________ a password.
A. must have got to know B. must’ve to know C. must have to know D. must know

20. When the builders were her I _____________ them cups of tea all the time.
A. was making B. am making C. made D. make

21. When the race starts later this afternoon the drivers ____________ for drier weather than last year.
A. were hoping B. are hoping C. hope D. will be hoping

22. Steve asked where he ___________ put the bag.
A. shall B. ought to C. will D. should

23. When I asked what was wrong, __________________________ .
A. I was explained the problem B. he explained the problem to me
C. the problem was explained to me D. he explained me the problem

24. Nowadays it ___________ cost a fortune to own a powerful computer.
A. hasn’t to B. needn’t C. doesn’t have to D. mustn’t

25. Police _________ that Sam is in Sydney, although his exact whereabouts ___________ unknown.
A. believes ….. are n B. believe ….. are C. believes ….. is D. believe ….. is

26. _______________ of the present perfect tense on page 154.
A. There are example B. There are examples
C. There are the examples D. There is example

27. She described __________________ .
A. the situation B. the situation to me C. me the situation D. the situation me

28. “I’m seeing Dr Harris next week.” “That ___________________ be right. He’s on holiday then.”
A. mustn’t B. can’t C. hasn’t to D. hasn’t got to

29. The next train to Yorkshire _________________ at 5.30. (station announcement)
A. will leave B. is leaving C. is going to leave D. leaves

30. __________ hard all year, so I felt that I deserved a holiday.
A. I work B. I’d been working C. I’d worked D. I’m working

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. the children asked her father to go with them to the cinema. 2. the doctor told sandra to stay in bed. 3. sam said he would be flying in a plane at this time next week. 4. amanda implored her aunt not to give away the puppies. 5. dick asked his grandfather to make a new sled for him.6. the professor said that the universe is infinite. 7. vivian refused to go with us. 8. kate suggested making a new doll. 9. kyle says he was in the crimea last summer. 10. patrick asked us if we would write an essay.

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