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5вопросов по тексту a strange сам текст: a strange hobby. balzac was a famous french writer of great talent. but he had a strange hobby. he liked to tell a person`s character by his or her handwriting. he was very proud of his hobby. one day his friend brought him an exercise book and: "my dear friend! i want to know what you think of this boy`s character. tell me the truth. he s not my son." balzac was very glad to demonstrate his talent. he began to study the handwriting. after some minutes of careful studying he said: " all right, i`ll tell you the truth. this boy is a dab and lazy fellow." "that`s very strange," said his friend and smiled, "because this is your exercise book from when you were a boy" его перевод: странное хобби. был известным французским писателем с большим талантом. но у него было странное хобби. он любил узнавать характер людей с его или ее почерка. он был горд своим хобби. однажды его друг принес ему тетрадь: " мой дорогой друг, я хочу знать, что вы думаете о характере этого мальчика. скажите мне правду. он не мой сын. " был рад продемонстрировать свой талант, который он начал изучать. после нескольких минут тщательного изучения он сказал: " ладно, я скажу вам правду. этот мальчик плохой и ленивый человек. "это странно", - сказал его друг и улыбнулся ", потому что это ваша тетрадь, когда вы были мальчиком."

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) was balzac a famous french writer of great talent?   yes, he was. 2) did he have a strange habit?   yes, he did. 3) did he like to tell a person's character by his or her handwriting?   yes, he did. 4) did he often boast of it among his friend.  yes, he did. 5)  what did his friend bring him one day?   one day his friend brought him an exercise book.   6)  what did his friend say to him?   he said: " my dear friend, i want to know what you think of this boy's character. don't be afraid again to tell me the truth, he is not my son."  7)  was balzac very glad to demonstrate his ability again and began studying the handwriting?   yes, he was. 8)  what did balzac say after some minutes of hard work?   he said: " all right, i'll tell you the truth. the boy is a bad and lazy fellow."  9)  what did his friend answer?   he answered: "it is very strange. this is a page from your own exercise book, which you used when you were a boy." выбирайте любые пять вопросов и ответов)

i have a best friend artem. we met in an amusement park and have been friends for over ten years. we go to the same school and walk after lessons every day. on the weekends we go to the movies with mutual friends.

перевод: у меня есть лучший друг артем. мы познакомились в парке развлечений и дружим больше десяти лет. мы ходим в одну школу и каждый день гуляем после уроков. на выходных мы ходим в кино с общими друзьями.

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