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Future Simple/ Future Continuous/ Future Perfect/ Future Perfect Continuous
Supply the correct form for the verbs in brackets.
1. Ask the Smith if it … (take) him long to make a key.
2. By the time you turn to the professor for assistance we … (do) the greater part of the work.
3. We … (work) in the garden when you return.
4. Heaven knows when your poor child … (see) England again.
5. She … (write) her paper for four hours by one o’clock.
6. I think you … (tell) me everything by the time everybody comes back.
7. The workers … (construct) a new underground line for a year in spring.
8. The first group of tourists … (come) to our camp this time tomorrow.
9. …you (write) the article by Sunday or by Monday?
10. I want to ask my friend to come with me and I feel sure he … (enjoy) the holiday with us.

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Мне кажется слово been (был)

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