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Вставить слова вместо точек. -excuse me.can you help me? -how can i get -walk straight on -is it far fmom here? - -can i take a bus? -thank you for your help.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Excuse me.can you help me? - with pleasure. - how can i get to the hospital? - walk straight on and you will see it. - is it far from here? - yes, it is. - can i take a bus? - of course, you can. - thank  you for help. - you are welcome. 

1)a lot of skyscrapes were built by people in new york. 2) a small island was discovered by them. 3) a lot of flowers are grown by my granny. 4)tables of plastic are made by people   5)such fims aren't shown by them on tv. 6) his  birthday will be celebrated by him next week. 7) a letter will be sent by her tomorrow.

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