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Change the sentences into Inderect Speech
1.Liz asks: "Where is New York situated?"
2.The girl asks:"How much does it cost?"
3.Father says:"Fred, swing your sister in the garden, please!"
4.Abby asks:"Did you go to the beach yesterday morning?"
5.Susan asks:"When will we leave Moscow for the country"
6.Carol asks:"What are the boys doing in the yard right now?" ​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. i thought i'd bring my new  roommate   over to meet you.2.after half an hour of this georgette got up,looking puzzlet and hurt, and went to her room to get dressed.3. i am sitting here wondering    why i always prefer to find you reading rather then with needlework.4. she was not pleased to see him; for  week-day   visits were a stretch of the bond; and it needed all his courage to explain his errand.5. on completion of the courses, they gave certificates to all newly trained who had succsesfully passed   the exams.

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