YnpaxueHne 5. Packpořte CKOÓKH, ynOTpeónaa rnaroIbI Present Indefinite, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous, Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous. 1. He ... (live) in Inverness when he was a child. 2. He .. (live) in Inverness when the disaster occurred. 3. He (live) in Inverness for many years when the event took place. 4. He admitted that he... (live) in Inverness at various times. 5. I.. (never, live) in Inverness, but I do want to go there. 6. John ... (live) in Birmingham. His job is there. 7. Henry ... (live) in Glasgow at the moment but he hopes to leave soon. 8. I.. (live) in London and many other big cities that I hated. 9. When I.. (quite, finish), I called for the bill. 10. I... (finish) and only then I realized I was in the wrong restaurant. 11. After I... (work) for some time, I heard a knock at the door. 12. The house ... (smell) of gas for several days: what can be done about it? Continuous, Past Indefinite, Past 13. I. (hardly, leave) the house when it began to pour. 14. Who .. (use) my safety-razor? The blade is quite blunt.15. On Saturdays, when we .. (have) lunch, we usually go for a walk. 17. "Where... (you, put) my wig? I can't find it anywhere," complained 16. "You .. (do) too much recently. Take a rest. the bald man. 18. Where . . (you, go) when I passed you this morning? 19... (you, have) your medicine yet? 20. Why 21. He explained why the three angles of a triangle . (equal) a hundred and eighty degrees. 22. I ... (explain) this for hours: doesn't even one of you understand it (you, always, make) such idiotic mistakes? now? 23. While I 24. He.. (chew) gum then, so, of course, he couldn't speak properly. 25. Where 26. I. (see) him several times this week. 27. I. (see) him several times earlier this week. 28. On that occasion he .. . (look) quite bovine, for he was chewing gum. 29. After 30. "Where have you been?" "I. (swim)." 31. When he ... (shot) the lion, he placed one foot on it, triumphantly. 32. Until last year he 33. When I looked out, I found it .. (snow) all night . 34. Because he . (fail), he was most depressed. 35. I. (work) all the time whereas he had been amusing himself. 36. For three hours he ... (seem) worried, and then he told me why. 37. When they . e That's (explain) it to you, you have been drawing silly pictures! (you, be) all day today? (be) sick, I felt better. (never, see) snow on the hills. (finish), 38. 39. After she . (break) her promise, she was filled with remorse. 40. .. you (have) breakfast yet? No? Then I'll get you some. 41. After I ... (do) all my work, I ... (go) to go home but I remembered I (leave) my umbrella in the kitchen, where I... (put) it to dry, and I .. ( go) to fetch it. 42. You .. (work) too much, I advise you to have a holiday. 43. 1.. (work) and so... (have) John, and we are both a little tired . 44. I .. (come) to London several times before the war. 45. .. the postman (come) yet? YnpaxHenne you first (hear) that story? funny! whoney handed in their drawings.​

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

a - b1) - f       achieved   fame2) - g   benefit   the farmers’ crops3) - b     captured my interest4) - e    contribute to your magazine5) - d     establish a decorations committee6) - a     record earthquake shocks7) - с   tame wild horses1. marie and pierre curie achieved   fame   as scientists.2. rain will _ benefit the farmers’ crops as the soil is dry and the plants need water.3. the film’s strange title captured my interest   and i decided to watch it on saturday.4. it’s an honour to be invited to contribute to your magazine.  i certainly accept the invitation.5. the school authorities decided to establish a decorations committee   to prepare the gym for the school dance.6. the recently bought seismograph can record earthquake shocks   even at such a distance.

7. they   tamed   wild horses   at the ranch.

2)  use the function words from the box and complete the sentences.

at   on  out  up1. jim dropped his pen and bent to pick it up.2. bullies often pick on younger children.3. try to eat your dinner, jane. you’ve just been picking at it.4. i don’t know where my children have picked up those rude words.5. albert was really shocked and picked out his words with difficulty.6. i’ll pick you up at your place at 5.

3)  use a, the, or the zero article before the noun man.

1. the ability of man to talk is due to the way in which the larynx is made. 2. larry was a handsome man in his early fifties. 3. i won’t see dr jackson again. i don’t like the_ man. 4. modern man is responsible for a lot of disastrous events.5. lewis clark, a tall thin man of about 30, entered the building at 8 o’clock.

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