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Найдите в следующих предложениях герундий,инфинитив,причастие и выпишите их,указав часть речи.
1.When you finish eating?ask the waiter to bring you the bill.
2.At the restaurant you raise your hand and try to catch the waiter's eyes without shouting or waving your hands.
3.Take-away restaurants provide food in commodious to be eaten at home or elsewhere.
4. The proplem is half the world eats too much,and the other half doesn't have enough to eat.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.      what's the news? - it   is bad. - слово news - новость, новости - всегда в ед. числе.2.      my friend has earned a lot of money. he gave it to his mother.  слово money - деньги - всегда в ед. числе.3.      this summer i learned a lot about  people. this knowledge helps me make friends. -  слово knowledge - знания - всегда в ед. числе.4.      my grandfather has a good library. i really want to get access to all this information. -  слово information -информация- всегда в ед. числе.5.      don't follow his advice. it   is never good.  слово advice - совет (советы) всегда в ед. числе.

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