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1.Fill in the correct word.
carton packet loaf bag bar piece kilo bottle jar
e.g. Could I have a packet of biscuits, please?
1 Remember to get a ............... of orange juice when you're at the supermarket.
2 We eat a ............. of bread a day in our house.
3 Can you get me the ............... of rice from the cupboard, please?
4 How can you lose weight if you eat a .............. of chocolate every day?
5 How much does a ............... of bananas cost?
6 Would you like a ............... of cake with your tea?
7 I can't open this .............. of strawberry jam.
8 Oh what a mess! I dropped the ...............olive oil on the floor.

2.Circle the odd word out.
breakfast - lunch - dinner - dessert
lemon - jam - honey - sugar
boil - fry - order - bake
starters - drink - main courses - desserts
bread - fibre - iron – vitamin

3.Choose the correct word.
1Would you like me to boil/melt you an egg for your breakfast?
2Sally, can you peel/stir the soup for me, please?
3Let's pour/bake a birthday cake for Jack.
4 You fry/add the bacon and I'll make the toast.
5 Melt/Mix all the ingredients together in a big bowl.
6 Can you pour/peel the potatoes, please?

4. Choose the correct word.
1There is some/any milk in the fridge.
2Are the re any/some bananas left?
3There are a lot of/much biscuits in the box.
4There wasn't many/any coffee left.
5Is there much/many rice left?
6There are much/many dishes to choose from.
7I want a few/a little sugar in my coffee.
8We've got a little/a few oranges here.

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Ответы на вопрос:

spectacles-это очкиglasses-очки,но от слова "стекло"-glass,т.е. стеклянные очки,употребляют galss и в других слова glass of water-стакан(рюмка) водыmonocles-монокли-объективы,состоящие из 1 вогнуто-выпуклой линзы

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