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I.Вставьте слова по смыслу: nature, knows, healthy, home, animals, learn, places, air, throw, climate, pollutes.
Два слова лишние!
Welcome to Planet Earth Museum, a museum where you can … (1) some interesting facts about the world we live in. There are many amazing …. (2) on Earth. Who …. (3), maybe you’ll see them all one day!
Forests are … (4) to over half of the world’s animals and plants. Trees clean the … (5) and produce oxygen for us to breathe. We destroy more than 36 football fields of forests every minute and … (6) away thousands of trees in paper and card every day. The oceans are home to millions of marine … (7). A lot of the rubbish … (8) the oceans. The fuel we use for energy makes the…. (9) warmer.
II. Представьте, что вы получили письмо от Тома, который пишет:
Last week my family and I wanted to go to London to see places of interest. But when we got up in the morning, the weather was very bad. It was raining and the temperature was only 15 degrees above zero… What kind of weather do you usually have in your hometown in summer? Do you like hot or warm summer days, and why? Where do you usually go when the weather is good?
Напишите Тому ответ, ответьте на все во которые его интересуют. Не забудьте о правилах оформления письма. В письме должно быть от 60 до 90 слов.
III. Измените слово, данное на полях напротив так, чтобы оно соответствовало пропуску.
1. She spoke with …. . POLITE
2. Bright colours are very … at the moment. FASHION
3. The old clock ticked … .NOISY
4. Be … with the fire. CARE
5. There are a lot of markets with … food in London. TRADITION
6. The information about … rules is true. BEHAVE
7. They enjoy … parades.COLOUR

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Пассивный залог  показывает, что лицо или предмет, выраженное подлежащим, испытывает действие на себе: the big  cake was baked  by sam.большой пирог был испечен сэмом. my dog  has been stolen. мою собаку украли.the psychos in the garden were believed to be harmless.  /считалось, что психи в саду безвредны. / the road was supposed to end. /дорога должна была заканчиваться. i don’t like  being told  what to do.  /не люблю, когда мне говорят, что делать./the fish  was caught by  the seagull.  рыба была поймана чайкой. активныйjeremy opened  the present.джереми открыл подарок.james climbed  the ladder. джеймс поднялся по лестнице. kate has knitted  this sweater herself. кейт сама связала этот свитер. pupils watched the performance yesterday. i will ask extra questionswe have found a bag today. he sold four umbrellas yesterday. have they booked the tickets. did he creat a new computer program? are they discussing your behavior.

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