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Как по правильно будет предложения я составляла предложения об окружающей среде. я рисовала дерево и разукрашивала. я клеить листочки на плакат. я рисовала небольшие рисунки на листочках.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Imade suggestions about the environment. i painted the wood and was painted. i helped to glue the leaves on the poster. i drew little pictures on pieces of paper.

1 what do you like ?

2 when does dave play basketball ?

3 what language does corky speak?

4 where do they live?

5 when does peter study spanish ?

6 what do dave and brian read?

7 when do you get up every day?

8 what language does mrs cole teach?

9 where are the girls today?

10 where are you this week?

11 when is it cold?

12 where are you today?

13 where are they tonight?

Популярно: Английский язык