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Choose the correct item.

1. We (knew/have known) him for four years. 2. 1 (visited/'m visiting) her last week. 3. (We're/We) going to stay at home this afternoon 4. When did you (got/get) there last morning? 5. I (got/have got) seven dogs at home. 6. Ann (plays/is playing) the piano every day. 7. I always (am drinking/drink) strong tea. 8. (Has/does) he got a car? 9. We (leave/are living in this town now. 10. I didn't sleep/slept) last night. 11. 1 (like/'m liking) spending money. 12. Where do you live/are you living)? 13. What ('s/are) your name? 14. How (does she look/is she looking)?

15. She never (eats/is eating) meat. 16. Peter (lost/has lost) his passport recently. 17. She (changed/has changed) a lot. 18. Whatsapp/is being) the weather like today? 19. Where (do you work/did you work) now?

20. She's already (cleaned/has cleaned) the house.

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. Have known
2. Visited
3. We’re
4. Get
5. Have got
6. Plays
7. Drink
8. Has
9. Are living
10. Sleep
11. Like
12. Do you live
13. ‘S
14. Does she look
15. Eats
16. Has lost
17. Has changed
18. What is
19. Do you work
20. Cleaned

ответ: TrueFalse True объяснение:

Популярно: Английский язык