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Как читается части тела (перевод с на )

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Ответы на вопрос:

Бровь - eyebrow 2. веко - eyelid 3. висок - temple 4. глаз - eye 5. губа - lip 6. зуб — tooth 7. лицo — face 8. лоб - forehead 9. мочка уха - earlobe 10. ноздря - nostril 11. нос - nose 12. подбородок - chin 13. ресница — eyelash 14. рот — mouth 15. ухо - ear 16. челюсть — jaw 17. череп - skull 18. щека — cheek 19. язык - tongue

1.A new ring has been bought by Pam recently

2. His mistakes will be corrected

3. My beautiful present has been got.

4.The vase was dropped by the cat yesterday

5.The piano is being played now

6.The TV set has been turned off by him

Популярно: Английский язык