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1. The back doors won’t open. True False
2. Liverpool Street has lots of other underground lines. True False

This is a London Underground service to Liverpool Street. The next station is Liverpool Street. Upon arrival, the first set of doors will not open. Customers in the first carriage, please move towards the rear doors to leave the train. The next station is Liverpool Street. Change here for Central Line, Circle Line, Hammersmith & City Line and Metropolitan Line and Main Line Suburban rail services. Please mind the gap between the train and the platform. This train terminates at Redbridge.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 She said to me that I was very bad tempered.

2 My mother said that she didn't want to speak to me.

3 Sam told her that she didn't have to be his friend any more.

4 He asked me if I meant that.

5 Ann said to me that she wouldn't bother me in the future.

6 They told us that they had never fought like that before.

7 They told us that they had had a fight like that the previous month

8 My mother asked my brother why he was behaving like a four-year old.

9 I answered him that he had started it(that).

10 I wished Lucy to grow up!

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