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3. What is your hobby? 4. Name the indoor and outdoor activities.
5. What kind of extreme sports do yon know​

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Ответы на вопрос:

В общем это должно быть про тебя, но напишу как бы от себя

3.My hobby is studing English, because it is very intersting?

4.indoor,I study, and outdoor I am skateboarding and walk with friends

5.I know riding a bike, skateboarding, snowboardinng, and ride a horse


If i lived (live) in a mansion, i wiuld have (have) parties every week

If you visited (visit) me, you would sleep (sleep) in a huge bedroom

We could (can) go on long bike rides if the weather was (be) good

If the weather wasn't (not be) good, we would watch (watch) movies in the Great Hall

If we played (play) hide-and-seek, we wouldn't find(not find) each other for hours

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