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Look and write five sentences.
Where are they? Кто где находится
на рисунке? Напишите 5 предложений.
e.g. The elephant is near the blackboard.

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Ответы на вопрос:

email Didi first yeah Ivorian firefight

1)The elephant is near the blackboard.

2) Turtle just got into class.

3)The sheep listens to the song.

4)Lisa's sleeping behind to bokk.

5) Donkey eats carrots.


1)Слон стоит возле доски

2)Черепаха только что пришла в класс.

3)Овца слушает музыку.

4)Лиса спит за книгой.

5)Осёл ест морковь

  today, in the morning at the supermarket are many new things! at grocery department appeared many new exotik fruits, in the clarical department - school supplies, and so on.

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