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С СОЧЕМ! YbyraiAltynsarin

Ybyrai (Ibrahim) Altynsarin (1841 – 1889) was a major figure in pre-Soviet Kazakh history. He was the most prominent Kazakh educator of the late 19th century, during the period of Russian colonization of and cultural influence in Kazakhstan.

Altynsarin was born in the Araqaraghai region of Torghai oblast (now Kostanay Province), and in his early career was an inspector of Torghai schools.

He is best known for introducing a Cyrillic alphabet for the Kazakh language, and was a proponent of teaching in the Western style. As an educator, he opened numerous Kazakh-Russian boarding schools, technical schools and schools for girls.

Altynsarin is also credited with authoring the first Kazakh grammar book, the first Kazakh-Russian newspaper, and with translation of a large number of textbooks and reference works. He was honored by the Imperial Russian government with numerous awards, including the title statskisovetnik (State Counsellor).

A number of Kazakh institutions, including the Kazakh Academy of Education, Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute and some streets, schools, and academic awards, are named after Altynsarin. There is an Altynsarin museum in Kostanay.

Choose True or False.

1. Altynsarin was the famous Kazakh educator before 19th century .True False

2. He was a famous teacher before 20 century. True False

3. He discovered a lot of educational establishment . True False

4. His museum is in Almaty. True False

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My favorite childhood possession was all the mounds of books laying around our home. there were books on everything under the sun and every kind of fiction book imagineable. there were literary greats and fast food reads. all of them were valuable in my sight. they encouraged my imagination and magnified my daydreaming.  each one transported me into a different world and made me realize that the world does not only consist of what is found in our homes and small neighborhoods. they made me anticiapate the day that i would be old enough to discover the world on my own and leave my own mark upon it.  they made me want to be one of the ones who write the passage ways into imaginary lands,events, and people you would never meet in the real world. 

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