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Complete these sentences by translating these phrases into English and using the Past Progressive form of the verbs.
Example: ____________________________________ when mother came back from work.
Я разговаривала с бабушкой по телефону when mother came back from work.
I was talking to granny on the phone when mother came back from work.

1) ____________________________________ when we decided to have some tea.
Я кормил котенка when we decided to have some tea.

2) ____________________________________ when our visitors rang at the door.
Мы пили чай when our visitors rang at the door.

3) ____________________________________ when the football match began.
Мой брат делал уроки when the football match began.

4) ____________________________________ when we finished writing the test.
Учитель смотрела в окно when we finished writing the test.

5) ____________________________________ when they heard the music.
Мои родители зашли ко мне в комнату when they heard the music.

6) ____________________________________ when the film began.
Мой друг читал детский журнал when the film began.

7) ____________________________________ when it started snowing.
Они играли на пианино when it started snowing.

8) ____________________________________ when mother said that dinner was ready.
Я слушала музыку when mother said that dinner was ready.

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Ответы на вопрос:

The city can be explored on foot, by bus, by bus, by taxi, by car and metro.

Популярно: Английский язык