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С ТЕСТОМ ПО АНГЛИЙСКОМУ выбрать правильное причастие)
1) The music (sounding/sounded) from the radio was light and cheerful.
2) (Printing/Printed) texts are easier to read than those (writing/written) by hand.
3) I often write to my friend (living/lived) in another town.
4) The tree (growing/grown) behind my window is not a birch but an oak.

2. Complete the sentences using Participle I. Make them true. (дополнить предложения, используя причастие первое, своими фразами)
1) I must say that I often have trouble…
2) Most people have difficulty…
3) Personally I prefer to have fun at weekends.

3. Complete the sentences using function words where necessary. (дополнить предложения предлогами, где необходимо)
1) We don’t mind staying alone for some time.
2) Please sit down and have some tea. I’d like you to feel __home.
3) Did you enjoy yourself ___ the concert yesterday night?
4) The young mother was holding the little boy the hand.
5) I didn’t read that article, I just looked it.
6) Their family has grown bigger and they are looking a new more spacious house.​

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The children are in the toy shop. who is in the toy shop? the children are.

Популярно: Английский язык