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Прочитай текст и отметь, какие предложения (1-6) соответствуют содержанию (True), какие – нет (False) и о чем в тексте не
упоминается (Not Stated).

Mother’s Day

In the USA people celebrate Mother’s Day. It all began long ago. An
American woman called Anna Jarvis wanted to have a special day for
mothers. Many people thought it was a very good idea. Anna’s mother died
on the second Sunday in May. Anna always went to church that day and she
wanted it to become Mother’s Day. Anna talked to business people and
people in the government and told them about her plan for a special day all
over the USA. In 1914 the second Sunday in May became Mother’s Day.
1. People in Britain celebrate Mother’s Day too.
2. The tradition to celebrate Mother’s Day appeared in the USA.
3. The tradition to celebrate Mother’s Day appeared in the 18 th century. ___
4. Anna’s mother died in May.
5. Anna went to church every Sunday.
6. Mother’s Day became a special day all over the USA.
2. Впиши в предложения соответствующие слова из рамки.

Why what who whose which where when how

1. I don’t think the city they live is in Wales.
2. are you late today? – I missed the 8 o’clock bus.
3. Father brought a little white puppy in the box. That was Rex
appeared in our family.
4. I’m not sure of the time they arrived in Moscow. I think it was
about 7 a.m.
5. Do you know this man’s name is? - I do. He is Mr.
6. Please write Peter the Great was, where and when he lived.
7. I see a small white rabbit. rabbit is it? - We think it’s Susan’s.
8. Tell me words go together – tall hills or high hills?

3. Впиши в предложения соответствующие предлоги из рамки.

At in on for of to with
1. Little children usually believe Father Frost.
2. Many people are afraid ghosts.
3. What do you often do the 31 st December?
4. We are going to move St. Petersburg.
5. 5 o’clock yesterday I was writing my diary.
6. Children always wait New Year’s Eve.
7. Such things are popular children.

4. Напиши, о чем Виктор (Victor) спрашивает или о чем он говорит.
Начни предложение с фразы Victor asks …. или Victor tells…
1. Victor asks: “Does Kate live in Paris?”

2. Victor asks: “When did Laura go to Scotland?”

3. Victor says to Peter: “Buy some bread on the way home.”

4. Victor asks: “Where does John live?”

5. Victor says: “Don’t wait for me!”

6. Victor asks: “Is Andrew fond of hockey?”

7. Victor says: “Bring me some water.”

Даю все

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Ответы на вопрос:

yesterday i watched tv  

you ate pizza yesterday

I didn’t play computer yesterday

  Yesterday I swam in the pool

I drank water yesterday

I had a computer yesterday


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