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Используя слова economical, interesting, important, required, useful, possible, impossible, составьте предложения с приведенными ниже фразами по об­ разцу:
ОБРАЗЕЦ: То produce goods more efficiently. -» It is important to pro­ duce goods more efficiently.
1) to know on what information a decision is based;
2) to buy large quantities of a product rather than small quantities;
3) to be economical if one compares the prices of goods before buying
4) to replace the inputs used up in one production cycle periodically;
5) to know that in Denmark young men below 18 cannot be trade union
6) to know that production costs depend on the size of the business;
7) to analyze the production cycle in detail in order to decrease produc­
tion cost and increase production efficiency

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Listen, I don’t know what to write, but since I write in English, someone doesn’t want to, but if you do, then Saryan is shorter, look at the

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