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Открыть скобки a) past perfect: 1. she hoped i (to pay) for the tickets. 2. when we came the plane (to take off). 3. i went to sleep as soon as the show (to finish). 4. by the end of the year he (to complete) five courses. 5. when they came home mother (to do) everything about the house. 6. i went to see the sights after i (to buy) a map of moscow. 7. we knew our itinerary only after the leader of the group (to tell) us. 8. after i (to spend) all the money i turned to my father. 9. she understood the letter after she (to read) it a second time. 10. we (to keep) waiting until we lost patience. 169 b) future perfect: 1. when the father returns from his round the world trip his son (to become) a grown-up man. 2. by the end of this year i (to read) all the books of this writer. 3. you (to finish) typing my papers by this evening? 4. if you come late, the party (to end). 5. when you come she (to leave). 6. by the end of july you (to pass) your last entrance exam. 7. i'm not sure if i (to translate) this text by monday. 8. by the time they return from the honeymoon trip we (to rebuild) the house for them.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. she hoped i had paid for the tickets. 2. when we came the plane had takenoff. 3. i went to sleep as soon as the show had  finished. 4. by the end of the yearhe had completed five courses. 5. when they came home mother had doneeverything about the house. 6. i went to see the sights after i had  bought  a map ofmoscow. 7. we knew our itinerary only after the leader of the group had told us.8. after i had spent all the money i turned to my father. 9. she understood theletter after she had red it a second time. 10. we had kept waiting until we lostpatience. 169b) future perfect: 1. when the father returns from his round the world trip his son will have  become a grown-up man. 2. by the end of this year i will have red all the books of  this writer. 3. you will have  finished typing my papers by this evening? 4. if you come  late, the party will have ended. 5. when you come she will have  left. 6. by the end of july  you will have  passed your last entrance exam. 7. i'm not sure if i will have translated this text  by monday. 8. by the time they return from the honeymoon trip we will have rebuilt  the house for them.

Is your granny working in the garden now? - yes, she is/ no, she isn't are your classmates doing their homework now? - yes, they are/nox they aren't are you speaking english at the moment? - yes, i am is your room tidy now? - yes, it is/ no, it isn't is your mom reading a book now? - yes, she is/ no, she isn't

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