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Read the following text. Think and write what rules you can add. Прочитай данный внизу текст. Подумай и напиши в тетради какие еще правила безопасности нужны для безопасной езды на велосипеде дистанционка ужас​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 the film was spoken about by us at the lesson.

2 the window was broken by them last week.

3 the room is cleaned by someone every day.

4 my work is usually done by me at 6 o'clock.

5 I am always given good advice by my father.

6 many museums are visited by us every year.

7 I am often asked by the teacher at the lesson.

8 the newspapers were brought by the postman 5 minutes ago.

9 the meat salad was made by her for dinner.

10 this letter was written by my cousin many years ago.

Популярно: Английский язык