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Составь и запиши словосочетания из данных слов. Выдели окончания изменённых слов. (Скоростной) шоссе,

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1 where you have been

where have you been?

2, what been have doing you

what have you been doing?

3 have you why come class this to

why have you come to this class?

4 when to got have arrive l

when have i got to arrive?

5. money have you any got

have you got any money?

6, the time got have you please

have you got the time, please?

7 have my you friend seen

have you seen my friend?

8. looked have every you in cupboard

have you looked in every cupboard?

9 closed curtains the have you

have you closed the curtains?

10 she why hasn't the washing done up

why hasn’t she done the washing up?

Популярно: Английский язык