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1. Complete these sentences, using II Conditional Clauses:
If I _______ you, I ________________ this car.
If I ________ time, I _______________to the theatre tonight.
If he _______ a doctor, he _______________ you well.

2. Complete these sentences of you own:
I disliked the idea of ______________
I like the idea of _____________

3. Make 3 your own sentences using these words or word combinations:
to look forward to, to have a look at, to make some (no, not much) difference, to rest

4. Complete these sentences, using III Conditional Clauses:
If you _______________ the child, it _____________
It ________________ strange if you _____________ it.
If you _________________ your exams, you __________________

5. Complete these sentences of your own:
I can’t keep from ____________
He seemed to ____________

6. Translate these words:
bare-legged –
prescribe –
under good conditions –
a vacant room –
refuse -

7. Prepare 2 sentences using construction to like the way …

8. Translate these sentences into English using construction with form subject It:
Мне было бы интересно прочитать эту книгу.
Ему было бы интересно узнать последние новости.
Студентам было бы естественно получить пятерки за все экзамены.

9. Prepare 3 sentences about you past life, using construction used to.

10. Translate:
Из-за этих своих голубых невинных глаз она нравилась всем.

11. Make 3 your own sentences using these words or word combinations:
to appreciate, to give a good supply, in the shape of

12. Complete:
We must prevent ____ from ________________

13. Make 2 your own sentences using this construction: to find/think/consider smb/smth + adjective

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Ответы на вопрос:

People can't fly. may i come in,please. you must go to school every day.

Популярно: Английский язык