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Раскройте скобки и употребите в предложениях 2 тип условных придаточных предложений. (50 БАЛЛОВ)
1. If I … (to go) to Britain, I … (to buy) a lot of souvenirs. 2. We …(to read) this story if we … (to have) time. 3. She … (to move) to Moscow if she … (to find) a job there. 4. They … (to get) a five for the test if there … (to be) no mistakes in it. 5. If the weather …( to be) nice, they … (to go) for a walk. 6. If I … (to be) you, I … ( not, to do) it. 7. If I (to know), I (to tell) you. 8. If we (to can) come on Sunday, we (to come). 9. If they … (to have) free time, they … (to spend) a week near the sea. 10. He (to lose) weight if he (to stop) eating too much. 11. If he (to have) enough money, he (to buy) a large house. 12. If we (to leave) at once, we (to catch) the early train.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. go, will buy
2. Will read, have
3. Will move, find
4. Will get, is
5. Is, will go
6. Know, will tell
8. Can, will come
9. Have, will spend
10. Will lose, stops
11. Have, will buy
12. Leave, will catch
Удачи! Если не трудно, отметьте мой ответ как лучший

ответ: 1 предложение - soil;

2 предл. - ground;

3 предл. - the Earth;

4 предл. - land.

Популярно: Английский язык