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Переведите на : я думаю для решения её проблемы родителям нужно прислушаться к мнению девочки. изучение каких предметов доставляет ей удовольствие. она должна сама выбрать свою будущую профессию.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ithink to solve  the girl's problems her parents should  take notice of her opinion. studying these subjects is pleasant to her. she should choose her future profession on her own.

Ithink to solve its problems parents should heed the opinion of the girls. the study subjects which gives her pleasure. she should choose their future profession.

1the work was finished a few hours ago 2 articles will be translated 6: 00 pm zna my question answered very quickly4 apples are washed in hot water. then they are cut and put on a plate 5 the hotel is very beautiful it was built in the 19th century 6 letter just brought. 7this only drove the washing machine this is a good news 8 the house was built several years ago 9 the car was bought last year 10 the problem was quickly discussed, then decided to go to the cafe 11 buy another cake, this one will be eaten in 5 minutes 12kot was punished for eating mom's flower.

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