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Complete sentences 18-24 with the pairs of phrases a-f.

a firstly + let’s say

b in order to + and

c for example + because

d as + also

e you see + so

f finally + what’s more

18 This campaign is _________ make a difference ________ make big business listen

19 ________ some people can campaign here, _________ about fifty.

20 One way to get attention ____________ is to use violent tactics ___________ television stations will broadcast that.

21 _________ the police will stop the march here, we ________ need some people to go here.

22 _________ we can gather activists over the internet and ____________ we get everyone to email the authorities.

23 _________, the only way to bring about change __________ that they’ll listen is through protest.

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how to stop taking a picture of clouds.


фотографировать (taking) стоит в инфинитиве (начальной форме), соответственно, перед глаголом должна стоять частица to. но после глагола stop обычно употребляется герундий, и мы используем средства выражения времени present continuos для выражения инфинитива.

удачи! обращайтесь!

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