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15 Which is right? From: Maggie Tait
To: Stefan Richter
Subject: I'm bored
Hi, Stefan
(1) It rains / It's raining, so (2) I write / I'm writing to you. (3) I'm hating / I hate rain!
(4) Do you remember / Are you remembering Lorenzo, my cat? At the moment,
(5) he lies / he's lying on the floor and (6) keeps / keeping my feet warm. He's really old
now, and every day (7) he's sleeping / he sleeps for hours. One good thing,
(8) he doesn't catch / he isn't catching birds any more - he's too slow.
My mum and dad (9) watch / are watching an old black and white film on TV.
(10) They're liking / They like the old Buster Keaton comedies. (11) They don't laugh /
They aren't laughing very much, so maybe this one isn't funny.
Oh, big surprise! I've got a job. Every Saturday (12) I work / I'm working from 9 o'clock to
5 o'clock in a supermarket. It's an OK job, but (13) I don't want / I'm not wanting to stay
there for ever.
What (14) do you do / are you doing at the moment? I think (15) you sit / you're sitting in
your garden and (16) the sun shines / the sun's shining and ... Tell me.
Love, Maggie

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. mother comes home from work at 6 o'clock.  2. the teacher sometimes speak english with kids at the lesson.  3. i go to the country every summer.  4. the children usually play football after school.  5. every day i do morning exercises

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