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Present Continuous

a).Use the verbs in brackets in the Present Continuous tense.
The sun (shine).
• The boys and girls (smile).
• I (read) now.
• She (play) tennis at the moment.
• They (sleep).
• Dad (watch) TV.
• Mum (cook) lunch.
• Ben and Bill (write) a letter.
• We (speak) English now.
• Look! Kate (dance).

b).Make negative sentences in the Present Continuous tense.

• Nancy (not sleep) now.
• The children (not eat) soup now.
• We (not do) the dusting at the moment.
• Grandma (not drink) tea.
• I (not do) my homework.
• You (not play) football.
c).Translate into English. Use the Present Continuous tense.

Вы читаете? Она спит? Мама моет посуду? Они вытирают пыль? Бабушка печет торт?

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Ответы на вопрос:

Yes,, Toble, gave, pep, pro, to vice

Популярно: Английский язык