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Заполните пропуски необходимыми предлогами: 1.there is book the shelf. 2.there are some flowers the vase. 3.there is a ball thetable. 4.there were some chairs the blackboard. 5.the armchair is the tvset. 6.there is a fridge the stove and the sink. 7.the letters are often written him a pencil. 8.the holidays will begin a week. 9.sometimes lectures are not attended him. 10.i am walking the street. 11.i go the college every day. 12.the people are walking the smog.13.the girl is walking the road. 14.we are coming the room. 15. that moment he saw her.16. the text was being translated the lesson. 17.he was born the 5-th jf march. 18.there are many flowers the window sill. 19.there is a shop the college. 20.there is a lamp the table.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.there is book the shelf. 2.there are some flowers   the vase. 3.there is a ball the table. 4.there were some chairs /next to  the blackboard. 5.the armchair is front of the tvset. 6.there is a fridge   the stove and the sink. 7.the letters are often written him /in  a pencil. 8.the holidays will begin a week. 9.sometimes lectures are not attended him. 10.i am walking /along the street. 11.i go the college every day. 12.the people are walking /through the smog. 13.the girl is walking /across the road. 14.we are coming the room. 15. that moment he saw her.16. the text was being translated /during the lesson. 17.he was born the 5-th of march. 18.there are many flowers the window sill. 19.there is a shop /next to the college. 20.there is a lamp the table.

1) настоящее : she is reading a book now. будущее : she will read a book. прошедшее : she read a book ( у read все 3 формы одинаковые) 2) настоящее : he is doing his homework now. будущее : he will do his homework. прошедшее : he did his homework

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