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Раскройте скобки. Употребите глагол в одной из форм настоящего времени
Present Simple – V /в 3 л. ед ч. -Vs ; отрицательные предложения - don’t/ doesn’t
Present Continuous – am/ is/ are Ving
Present Perfect – have/has V3
Поставьте глагол в одну из трёх формул (V - глагол; V3 - третья форма глагола, правильные глаголы – добавляем ed, неправильные – смотрим в таблице неправильныхглаголов). Мы изучали этот материал в 5-6 классе, сейчас повторяем). В скобочках уже указана видо-временная форма.
1. Look! She ( wear) the same shoes as me. (Present Continuous)

2. Vegetarians are people who (not eat) meat.( Present Simple)

3. Someone (take) my bicycle.( Present Continuous)

4. I often (see) him but I never (speak) to him. (Present Simple)

5. I (buy) a new carpet. Come and look at it. (Present Perfect)

6. My friends (like) meat but (not like) fish. (Present Simple)

8. Where is Tom? - He (lie) under the car. (Present Continuous)

9. She’s a school teacher. She teach Math`s.(Present Simple)

10. Hey! Somebody (drink) my coffee! My cup was full.( Present Perfect)

11. I already (break) two plates. Shall I go on washing up?(самостоятельно)

12. I have a car but I (not use) it very often.(самостоятельно)

13. Look! The man (try) to open the door of your car.(самостоятельно

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. Is wearing
2. Don’t eat
3. Is taking
4. See, speak
5. Have bought
6. Like, don’t like
8. Is laying
9. Teaches
10. Has drunk
11. Have already broken
12. Don’t use
13. Is trying

1. How many people visit Stonehenge every year?

2. What roads are authorities going to try ?

3. Why are these monuments in danger?

4. When were the temples of Angkor Wat built?

5. Are temples the national symbol of Cambodia?

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