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Завершите предложения словами must или mustn't

1. We ___ eat inside the gallery! 2. You ___ be quiet in the library. 3. You ___ talk in the theatre. 4. We ___ feed the animals at the zoo. It's dangerous. 5. Children ___ stay close to their parents. 6. We ___ take photos. It's bad for the paintings. 7. You ___ leave by 6 o'clock or you'll be late

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. Mustn't

2. Must

3. Mustn't

4. Mustn't

5. Must

6. Mustn't

7. Must


We mustn't eat inside the gallery! 2. You must be quiet in the library. 3. You mustn't talk in the theatre. 4. We mustn't feed the animals at the zoo. It's dangerous. 5. Children must stay close to their parents. 6. We mustn't take photos. It's bad for the paintings. 7. You must leave by 6 o'clock or you'll be late


1) look at this drawing. my brother has drawn it. - should be, it is very talented, and it will be the well-known artist.2) it has risen and has lifted the hat which was blown off by a wind. the hat looked awfully. it too.3) by a weekend we have written two examinations, and they were not difficult. should be, they have been calculated on the average pupil.4) as though i would like to go to turkey and to bathe in mediterranean sea! if you wished to go there, you would go there. you do not need to make out the visa.5) where money? - i them did not see. - i have put them on a table half an hour back, - there and look. - but i do not see them.-put on points. - and where my points?

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