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Choose the correct options to make the given sentences passive

We bought these newspapers and magazines yesterday. —

These newspapers and magazines
were bought

by we
by us
The policeman stopped me when I was crossing the street. —

is stopped
was stopped

by me
by the policeman
when I was crossing the street.
Doctor David Gramp painted this picture when he was on holiday. —

This picture
Doctor David Gramp
was painted
were painted

by Doctor David Gramp
by the picture
when he was on holiday.
They showed the match on television. —

The television
The match
was shown
was showed

by them
by they
on television.
My dad did all the cooking when we were on a hiking tour. —

All the cooking
was done
were done

by us
by my dad
when we were on holiday.
Students found this old silver coin during their trip to the mountains. —

This old silver coin
was found
was find

by students
by they
They built the church in the 16th century. —

The church
was build
was built

by they
by them
in the 16th century.
He sold their farm the other day. —

Their farm
was sell
was sold

by him
by he
the other day.
We burnt the dry leaves last Sunday. —

The dry leaves
The dry leafes
was burnt
were burnt

by us
last Sunday.
Some people cooked the food and somebody laid the table. —

The food
The table
was cooked
by somebody
by some people
the food
the table
was laid
was lain
by some
by somebody

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

Ispend my summer holiday very well! i realy rested during summer holiday i didn't do my homework i didnt get up early i went for a walk with my friends, helped to my parents . and go to the beach it was my one of the best summer holiday

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