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Содержание►следующая > < предыдущаястр 14 из 16must, can and mayexercise 19, p. 139: study the following chart.modal verbmeaningexamplesmustmust not (=mustn't)duty, obligation necessityorderwe must study hard.i must buy some bread. you must go there at once.prohibitionyou mustn't smoke here.cancannot (=can’t)couldcould not(= couldn’t)abilitycapabilitypermissionprohibitioni can run very fast.he could walk miles and miles when he was young. we can speak english.can i have a cup of coffee? you can come at any time.you can’t cross the street here.maypermissionrequestprohibition (very sharp)you may speak to him now.may i smoke here? you may not take books away form the reading hall.may not(= mayn’t)mightmight not(=mightn’t)he said (that) i might come to see you any time before lunch.exercise 20, p. 140: practise answers to the following questions according to the model.model 1:   must i go there by an early train? (take the 10: 30)1. (a) yes, you must. (b) i am afraid, you must.2. no, you needn't. you may take the 10: 30.1.must i make up my mind today? (give the answer tomorrow). 2. must he explain to them how to use this machine? (read the instructions). 3. must i take your advice? (do as you please). 4. must they stay after classes? (go home). 5. must i take all my things now? (leave behind what you don't need). 6. must she pay all the money now? (pay only part of the sum). 7. must i let them know at once? (tomorrow). 8. must i go to him to discuss the arrangements? (phone).​

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1.1 noticed that she was looking at me. 2. we knew that she would not return. 3. and then you will agree that you did the right thing. 4. the mother said she just does not know what to do. 5. it is clear that she is trying to help us. 6. i did not speak much better. it was clear that he does a lot. 7. he did not ask me what will i do on saturday. 8. it became obvious that something happened.

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