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Задания по лексике и грамматике
Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 1–9, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию 1–9.
1 I was surprised when one day my little brother asked me: “Do you believe there are other beings in the universe? Aliens, for example?” I ___________________ what to answer him. NOT KNOW
2 “I have no idea,” I said, “I _________________ them yet.” NOT SEE
3 And I remembered that I had also asked our parents this question when I _____________ my brother’s age. BE
4 They said that it ______________silly because all the stories about alien spaceships were only science fiction stories. SOUND
5 Our parents had never believed in aliens but the situation was not so obvious for ___________. I
6 On the one hand, there was no evidence that they existed. On the other hand, there was no strong evidence against it either. “It’s a difficult question,” I said to my brother. “Do you think our life would be ______________than it is now if the aliens came?” GOOD
7 At the moment, Phil had a coloured pencil in each of his hands and ___________________ something in his album. DRAW
8 I came up to him and ___________ that it was a colourful spaceship. SEE
9 “Yes. And I wish we ____________ where to look for them,” my brother answered. “It’s sad to think we are all alone in the huge universe, isn’t it?” KNOW​


Task 1. Fill the blanks
Greg was very pleased with ....when he got the promotion at work. (his/himself/him)
I really don't feel........ today. (my/myself/me)
Ann burnt........while cooking. (she//herself/myself)
The cat sat by the fire washing......... (its/itself/it)
Be careful! If you fall off that wall, you'll hurt (your/yourself/yourselves)
Tim had to go to hospital after he cut........on some broken glass. (him/his/himself)
He........organized everything for the holiday. (him/his/himself)
Shall we make........some lunch? (ourselves/our/ourself)
Pat quickly looked at ........ in the mirror before she left the house. (himself/herself/her)
The Smiths painted their house.........(themself/them/themselves)
Task 2. Write in one word. What is it?
1. a place for religious activities
2. a place where you can buy some bread or cakes.
3.a place where a fire engine kept and where a firefighter works.
4. a place where you can find a collection of books that you can read or borrow.
5. a place where people can watch a performance.
6. a place where the trials and other legal cases happen.
7. a store where you can buy some food and small items for the house.
8. a place where people come to watch different films.
9. a place where you can go to exercise and keep fit.
10. a place where fuel is sold for road vehicles.
11. a place where a dentist treats people's teeth.
12. a group of small shops and people selling things.
13. a pool filled with water for people to swim in.
14. a place where people who are ill are taken care of by doctors and nurses.
15. Somebody looks after people's money and lends money to people here.
16. children come here to learn.
17. a place where the trains stop to let the passengers on and off.
18. the local office of the police.

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Наука-изобретение чего то нового.это величайшие открытия всем известных людей.наука- это учёба и знания.без науки жизнь стояла бы на одном месте и не двигалась бы вперёд.

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