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Можете перевести диалог -,никита -,асанали -как дела? -у меня все хорошо. а как у тебя? -у так себе -никита, скажи какая сегодня будет температура? -16 градусов ниже нуля -, никита -не за что, асанали

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Ответы на вопрос:

Hi, nikitahey, asanali-how are you? -i'm good. what about you? -do so-so-nikita tell what today is the temperature? -16 degrees below zerothank you, nikita-not at all, asanali-hi, nikitahey, asanali-how are you? -i'm good. what about you? -do so-so-nikita tell what today is the temperature? -16 degrees below zerothank you, nikita-not at all, asanali-hi, nikitahey, asanali-how are you? -i'm good. what about you? -do so-so-nikita tell what today is the temperature? -16 degrees below zerothank you, nikita-not at all, asanali

1. a backpack was old and heavy 2. the  sleeping bag was new   and soft 3. we  slept  on a  hard cold ground  4. we saw a young hungry  bear 

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