06.01.2021 08:46
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Почему песня "Священная война" Александрова и Лебедева-кумача стала эмблемой войны, а песня "День Победы" Тухманова и Харитонова - эмблемой победы ТОЛЬКО КРАТКО)

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4,4(90 оценок)

We celebrate the first day of cristmas on the 7th of january. on the 6th of january people cook much food because the day after we must not work. on this day we have a sacred supper or kolyada. it begins when the first star lights up. as the legend says, this star announced the birth of the god's son. we selebrate christmas for three days. in the evening a group of boys comes. they sing songs. by these songs they congratulate on holiday. якщо щось незрозуміло я поясню

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