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IV. Translate the sentences: 1. Не следует ожидать, что погода изменится. 2. Кажется, они не возражают против нашего предложения. 3. Он вряд ли придёт сегодня. 4. Говорят, что он в молодости хорошо играл в футбол. 5. Кажется, что она не знает ответа на этот во Случилось так, что среди свидетелей аварии оказался врач. 7. Оказалось, что он хороший артист. 8. Сообщалось, что делегация приедет сегодня. 9. Его считают хорошим товарищем. 10. Полагают, что новый фильм будет иметь успех.

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Don't expect the weather to change. 2. It seems that they had no objection to our proposal. 3. He is unlikely to come today. 4. Saying that he was in his youth a well-played football. 5. It seems that she does not know the answer to this question. 6. It so happened that among the witnesses of the accident was a doctor. 7. It turned out that he's a good actor. 8. it was Reported that the delegation will arrive today. 9. It is considered a good friend. 10. I believe that the new film will be a success.

Топик i go to school five days a week, so i have two days off — saturday and sunday. during the week i am very busy, so i like to have a rest on weekend. i enjoy staying in bed, when i don't have to hurry anywhere. i have breakfast at 10 and watch tv. if the weather is fine, i usually do not stay indoors. my friends and i go to the park. if the weather is rainy, i stay at home and watch tv, listen to the music, read books. sometimes i do something special on weekends: go to an art exhibition, to the theatre, to the concert. i like weekends very much, because i can rest.  1. составь из слов предложение и запиши его, подчеркни подлежащее и сказуемое. скажи, какой частью речи является каждое слово. - in- предлог , london - существит , they - местоимение , going - глагол , are, - глагол to  visit, -   инфинитив march - существит they are going to visit london in march they - подлежащее are going - сказуемое 2. перепиши предложения, раскрывая скобки.  i bought a very good book last tuesday.  we went on a tramp last sunday.  our football team won  many games last year.  will you    invite  your cousin to stay with you next summer?  where is   barry? - he is  playing chess with his friend

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