3 Read the text again. Are the sentences true or false (F)? Correct the false ones.
1 Damien isn't a baby.
2 There are fifteen boys in the family.
3 Three of his brothers and sisters aren't children.
4 Damien's house is very quiet.
5 The children aren't very good friends.
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Ответы на вопрос:

1. there were no pupils at school yesterday. 2. there are  much chocolate ice-cream at home. can i have it. 3. there are  a lot of hungry kittens under my table. give them milk, please. 4. what was there in your school bag yesterday? 5. is there much fish in the fish soup? – yes, there is a lot. 6. were there any baby crocodiles in the zoo last year? – yes, there were five. 7.how many seasons are  there in a year? 8.what is there in your hand? – it’s a big carrot. 9.there were no stadiums in london a long time ago. 10.there was no snow last winter.

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