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Измените время глагола на Present Perfect. Present Perfect – образуется следующим образом:

Например: I am learning a poem. – Я учу стихотворение (Present Progressive)
I have learnt a poem. – Я выучил стихотворение (Present Perfect)
1. Mum is taking the dirty cups from the table.
2. We are buying corn for our parrot.
3. Tom is opening a bottle of milk.
4. He is putting on his hat.
5. My friends are having breakfast.
6. Mary is making a new blouse for party.
7. Students are translating the text from French into English.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.Mum has taken the dirty cups from the table

2.we have bought corn fot our parrot

3.Tom has opened a bottle of milk

4.He has put on his hat

5.my friends have had breakfast

6.mary has made a new blouse for party

7 students have translated the text from French into English

N1. 1. a; the. 2. the. 3. пробел. 4. the, the,  пробел. 5. пробел. 6. the. n3.  1. if i see her, i will give her your love. 2. if you finish on time, you may go to the movies. 3. the maтch (опечатка в оригинале? ) will be canceled if it rains. n4. 1. if i saw your teacher, i would tell her about your problem 2. i would buy a house in this country if i had a citizenship. 3. if she were at home, i would call her. n5. 1. my brother could have entered the university if he had written an essay well. 2. if you had found my keys yesterday, we would have taken all the documents. 3. if i had spoken english years (/ a year, тут еще одна опечатка ), i would have gone to the usa.

Популярно: Английский язык