Мальшишки и девченки, выручайте! язык 5 класс. дайте свои ответы на вопросы. 1.do you watch tv for more than two hours a day? 2.what programmes do you like to watch? 3.is your mother sometimes angry when you watch tv? 4.do you always watch tv when you are with your friends? 5.can you imagine your life without tv? 6/do you often stay at home to watch tv instead of playing games with your friends?

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1.yes i do. 2.my favorite programm is fox. 3.my mam is angry, if i watch tv in long time. 4.no i dont. 5.yes i can. 6.yes i do.

это формы глагола to be для past simple

was только для единственного числа, а were - для множественного (после you всегда следует глагол в форме множественного числа).

(+) i was happy. he was sad. she was pleased. it was great.

i wasn't interested. he/she wasn't surprised. it wasn't funny.

was i/he/she happy? was it a great idea?

(+) we were tired. you were angry. they were surprised.

we/you/they weren't tired.

were we/you/they glad?

Популярно: Английский язык